© Speakeasylaryngectomee.co.uk 2013

 Speak Easy  
Cancer Support Group - Lanarkshire

 Scottish Charity Number SCO38375


The main aims of the Group are to offer hope and encouragement to Laryngectomees (people who have had their voice boxes removed due to throat cancer) and anyone with oral, facial, head or neck cancers and their families and carers.

This Includes:-

Raising awareness of Laryngectomees and their carers needs and issues amongst service providers, both statutory and voluntary, in order to improve local services.
Promote inclusion of all Laryngectomees and their carers in North and South Lanarkshire.
Promote improvement of and access the relevant and up to date available information, including information help and support for Laryngectomees and carers.
Encourage and facilitate social contact for Laryngectomees and their carers.
There are 7 Volunteer Committee members and over one hundred members.

We rely on donations and fundraising activities throughout the year

Achievements to Date:-

Gapp award 2003. Endorsed by First Minister Jack McConnell
Celebration of Volunteering Awards 2002-3 Volunteer Team
Super County Community Organisation 2004
Engaging Support Needs Volunteering 2005

Speak Easy organised a campaign to improve access to Disability Living Allowance and Attendance Allowance for its members. Due to lack of awareness on the part of the decision makers Laryngectomees have difficulties accessing these benefits.

With support from MP Tom Clarke who tabled an adjournment debate in the House of Commons, Westminster and Elaine Smith MSP, who tabled questions in the Scottish Parliament, members are better able to access these benefits.
Through the work of Speak Easy, North Lanarkshire Council have produced Benefit information leaflets specially for people with cancer.

In the past we have received funding from NHS Lanarkshire, Macmillan Cancer Support  and are supported by North Lanarkshire Council Community Learning & Development, and have twice been part of HM Inspectorate of Education in Motherwell when each time Speak Easy were found to be examples of good practice


Nominated for The Queens Award for Volunteering in a Community Setting

About Us